Email: nffalconnation@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthForneyQuarterbackClub
Who we are
This organization is to support the activities of the North Forney Football Team, and it's supporting organizations, the student trainers, and team media personnel. It shall exist to support a high degree of community and parental interest, support, and sponsorship of the team.
North Forney Quarterback Club is responsible for fundraising, team meals, Polish and Pray, Events, Merchandise Sales, Field Crew, Communications, and much more!
Royal Thornton, Sr.
Michele Tauiliili
Vice President/ Polish and Pray/ Communications
Tiffany Kelley
Sandra Torres
Amanda Tucker
Legacy Rep/ Team Meals Coordinator
Cambrie Thornton
Merchandise/ Polish and Pray
Janine Glenn
Membership Chair
Jennifer Hirdes
Communications/ Social Media
Erika Duriden
Fundraising/ Media Guide/ Senior Rep
Mike Hannigan
Field Crew